Cancer Research

Advancing Discovery, Diagnostics & Therapeutics

Cancer is not just one disease- there are over 200 different types of cancer, each one bringing its own unique set of challenges when it comes to the development of treatment options. Cancer research has shed new light on the diversity, individuality and complexity of the disease, which is allowing researchers to use a more targeted approach when it comes to tackling cancer.

An obvious shift has occurred in the way that the treatment of cancer is approached, from the traditional ‘one size fits all’ approach to highly specific targeted therapies. It is becoming ever clearer that specific targets are the key to tackling cancer, due to the staggering heterogeneity of the disease.



 A comprehensive range of monoclonal, polyclonal and secondary antibodies


High quality human and animal biospecimens 

Cells & Cell Culture

Primary cells and cell lines, 3D cell culture products and transfection reagents

Kits & Assays

For the study of apoptosis, DNA damage, oxidative stress, angiogenesis, enzyme activity an...

Proteins & Peptides

An extensive range of high quality human and animal protein products

Cancer Research