Magnetic Separators
Easily separate MagSi beads from liquid samples
Magnetic Separators are intended for magnetic separation of MagSi beads from liquid samples for isolation and purification of nucleic acids and proteins, immunoprecipitation, immunoassays (ELISA), cell sorting, and purification of biomolecules.
AMSBIO provides magnetic separators for both manual use and for use in automated processing, all of which are designed for optimal magnetic bead separation in terms of speed and bead pellet positioning, as well as stability and user-friendliness.
Manual Separators
These separators are intended for manual processing in microtubules, microplates and PCR tube-strips. The separators are available as transparent acrylic versions for optimal visual inspection and in chemically resistant polyoxymethylene (POM) for routine use of organic solvents. For detailed information about the resistance towards commonly used solvents, please contact our technical support department.
Automated Processing Separators
These separators are intended for automated processing of MagSi magnetic beads in 96, 384 or deepwell microplates. They include a SBS standard registration base for easy placement on liquid handling instruments, and are suitable for separation in PCR plates and many other microplates. MM-Separator 32 FlipTubeĀ® is intended for use with automated protocols using magnetic beads in FlipTubesĀ®.