
  • Delivered genes expressed natively or with a tag
  • Different antibiotic markers available
  • Choice of constitutive or optional inducible promoter for custom particles
  • Lentiviral particles expressing Luciferase, CRE recombinase, Beta lactamase, and LacZ (beta-Galactosidase)


  • Ready to use: Save up to 4 weeks of work
  • Directly added to cells: No need for transfection reagents
  • Lentiviral particles are VSV-G pseudotyped
  • Safe to use: 3rd generation lentivector
  • High true titer: 1 x 10e7 IFU/ml or higher
  • Choice of constitutive or optional inducible promoter


  • Transduction of adherent and suspension cells
  • Gene delivery into hard-to-transfect, primary or drug-arrested cells
  • Sub-cellular localization analysis using Organelle Labeling Lentiviral Particles
  • Generation of stable cell lines for long-term high level expression
  • In vivo studies - Low immunogenicity

What can you get?

✓ Overexpression of a transgene or miRNA ✓ Knockdown of a gene via shRNA ✓ Stable cell line

How Do Lentiviral Particles Work?

Co-transfection of packaging plasmids and lentiviral expression vector into a packaging cell line allows efficient production of lentiviral particles which are released into the cells supernatant.

Viral particles harvested from the cell supernatant can transduce a wide range of both dividing and non-dividing mammalian cell types. Upon infection with lentiviral particles, the single stranded RNA (ssRNA) is reverse-transcribed and the resulting double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) stably integrates into the genome of the host resulting in the long term transcription of your gene of interest or shRNA.

Control When Your Target Is Expressed

All AMSBIO lentiviral particles can be used for constitutive target (or shRNA) over-expression.

Our optional inducible promoters have two copies of tetracycline (Tet) operator sequence integrated. This doesn’t affect the efficiency of the promoters, and without further intervention, the optional inducible lentiviral particles drive regular high constitutive expression of your gene or shRNA of interest.

Optionally, the same particles can be used for tetracycline inducible expression when a tetracycline regulator (TetR) protein is present.

By transducing one of our ready-to-use Tet-Repressor lentiviral particles or by using our Tet-Repressor stable cell lines, the transcription of the transgene or shRNA will be repressed by the binding of TetR to the Tet operator sequences of the promoter.

Whenever expression is desired, tetracycline (or doxycycline, a tetracycline derivative) can be added to the medium of the transduced cells. It will bind and inhibit the TetR protein, allowing high expression of the target.

Control Where Your Target Is Expressed

Organelle labeling lentiviral particles are ideal tools for monitoring gene expression and intracellular protein trafficking. Because of the distinct fluorescent markers available (GFP, RFP, and CFP), they can be used for multicolor labelling and direct visualization applications. These lentiviruses can be used to visualize biological processes as they occur in a wide variety of cell lines, primary cell cultures, stem cells, and non-dividing cells, which may be resistant to standard gene delivery techniques such as transfection or retroviral infection.

  • Easy organelle or cell structure labelling: No need for transfection reagents, antibodies or chemicals
  • Monitoring of protein trafficking
  • Study organelle morphology and dynamics
  • Protein co-localization with organelles
  • Available for a wide range of organelles (see below)

Can't find what you're looking for?

We offer a wide range of Lentiviral custom services


Please note that although our lentiviral vectors contain all necessary biosafety features, work with lentiviral particles should be carried out under Biological Safety Level 2 (BL2) or higher. Please conduct a thorough risk assessment for your project and contact your health and safety facilities for local guidelines and regulations. Find out more here.

Lentiviral Particles