H1 - Page Titles
H5- Tagline header below Page Title - Should look like it does on Category/Custom Service pages.
Tagline text here appears to be bigger/bolder than it is on Category page even though it is a direct copy from the Category page template. Is there CSS just on this page affecting it? I just changed it from H1 (insane that it was H1) to H4 to reduce the space between text and paragraph below. It still has more spacing between it than it should - as on other pages.
Essentially this section can look just like it is on the category page. Though we won't always have a tagline.
H2 - Page Sub Section Headers
Doesn't need such big spacing as H1, but can be the same size (which it currently is on existing pages). Only separating H1 and H2 for guide-sake.
H3 - Header for sub category within a section.
Haven't seen this header format used around site much. I did copy it from somewhere but I have forgotten where now. But having it as an option would be great.
H4 - Indented header as alternative sub category header?
Currently used on the product/application pages as a header already. Just needs styled to the tag officially.
Notice how much extra spacing it has than a H3. It should be the same - and definitely not as much as a H1
H6- Small header.
Mental spacing around this tag - and it isn't the padding. CSS for it is a bit of a mess? It is using the class for section headers - like the rest of them.
Format style currently used on product/page for resources, and other bits around the website. But completely reliant on the CSS for that exact section to stylise it. If you clone the header to another section - it loses all styling completely.