StemFit® For Differentiation

The next generation supplement for differentiation of hPSCs

StemFit® For Differentiation (“StemFit® Diff”) is a chemically defined and human/animal component-free supplement for differentiation of human embryonic stem (ES) and induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells to multiple lineages. It can be used with a variety of different induction factors or cytokines to support differentiation along ectoderm, mesoderm or endoderm lineages. StemFit® Diff can be combined with StemFit® Basic media, using iMatrix-511 laminin  as extracellular matrix, to support clinical research applications of human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC)-derived cells/tissues by providing defined and xeno-free culture systems for both expansion and differentiation. StemFit® Diff is provided as 5X concentrate and is intended to be used with basal medium (DMEM, DMEM/F12, RPMI1640, etc. and appropriate induction factors or cytokines.

Spontaneous Differentiation

StemFit® Diff supports spontaneous differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCS) via embryoid body (EB) formation. EBs are aggregates of pluripotent stem cells that form the primary germ layers as shown in Fig. 2. We also provide Lipidure®-COAT Plates – ultra-low attachment plates that promote cell aggregation, making them the perfect solution for EB formation.

Other recommended products for EB generation

NameDatasheetPacksize Order
DMEM/F-12 Ham’s (50/50) with glutamine and 15mM HEPES-500 ml View
StemFit® Basic03 - Clinical Grade Stem Cell Culture MediaLiquid A: 400ml / Liquid B: 100ml View

Lineage-Specific Differentiation

Large populations of hiPSCs can be directly differentiated into each of the three germ layers: endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm, using StemFit® Diff. Below are protocols for differentiating iPSCs into each of the germ layers. Please note that there are some cases where protocol optimization would be required.

Endoderm Generation from iPSCs

The endoderm is the innermost germ layer, which gives rise to many internal organs, including the pancreas and liver. The protocol below shows the differentiation of iPSCs (1231A3 on iMatrix-511) into mature hepatocytes (MH).

Other recommended products for endoderm generation

NameDatasheetPacksize Order
DMEM (high glucose, 4.5g/L)-500ml View
DMEM (low glucose, 1g/L)-500ml View
RPMI 1640, 1X, 500ml-500ml View
Recombinant Laminin iMatrix-5111050ug (6 x 175ug tubes) View
Recombinant Laminin iMatrix-511350ug (2 x 175ug tubes) View
StemFit Purotein Human recombinant Activin A, non-GMP, 10ug/tube10 ug (0.1 mg/ml, 100 ul) View
StemFit Purotein Human recombinant Activin A, non-GMP, 50ug/tube50 ug (0.1 mg/ml, 500 ul) View
StemFit® Basic03 - Clinical Grade Stem Cell Culture MediaLiquid A: 400ml / Liquid B: 100ml View

Mesoderm Generation from iPSCs

The mesoderm is the middle germ layer, which gives rise to muscle (cardiac, skeletal, and smooth muscle in the gut), the kidneys, and red blood cells. The protocol below shows the differentiation of iPSCs (1231A3 on iMatrix-511) into paraxial mesoderm (PM) and septum transversum mesenchyme (STM).

Other recommended products for mesoderm generation

NameDatasheetPacksize Order
RPMI 1640, 1X, 500ml-500ml View
Recombinant Laminin iMatrix-5111050ug (6 x 175ug tubes) View
Recombinant Laminin iMatrix-511350ug (2 x 175ug tubes) View
StemFit Purotein Human recombinant Activin A, non-GMP, 10ug/tube10 ug (0.1 mg/ml, 100 ul) View
StemFit Purotein Human recombinant Activin A, non-GMP, 50ug/tube50 ug (0.1 mg/ml, 500 ul) View
StemFit Purotein Human recombinant FGF Basic, GMP Compliant1 mg (0.3 mg/ml) View

Ectoderm Generation from iPSCs

The ectoderm is the outermost germ layer, which gives rise to skin cells of the epidermis, neuron cells, and pigment cells. The protocol below shows the differentiation of iPSCS (1231A3 on iMatrix-511 into dopaminergic neurons (DAN).

Other recommended products for ectoderm generation

NameDatasheetPacksize Order
DMEM (high glucose, 4.5g/L)-500ml View
DMEM (low glucose, 1g/L)-500ml View
DMEM/F-12 Ham’s (50/50) with glutamine and 15mM HEPES-500 ml View
Recombinant Laminin iMatrix-5111050ug (6 x 175ug tubes) View
Recombinant Laminin iMatrix-511350ug (2 x 175ug tubes) View

Featured Citations

A human iPS cell myogenic differentiation system permitting high-throughput drug screening.
Uchimura, T. et al. (2017). Stem Cell Research. 25:98–106.