Biospecimens, meaning samples of human tissues, cells, and other biological materials, are essential for advancing our understanding of diseases, developing targeted treatments, and fuelling scientific innovation.
Human biospecimens are typically sourced from living donors during medical procedures or agreed-upon studies and usually consist of surplus tissue or biological material that would otherwise be discarded as biowaste. For example, during cancer surgery, a tumor removed for treatment purposes can either be safely disposed of or repurposed for research. Samples can, with consent, be gained during the same studies from adjacent sites for healthy tissues, and additionally some samples can be gained post-mortem.
Collecting and using biospecimens for research comes with significant ethical responsibilities. AMSBIO’s approach meets the ethical and legal standards essential for life science research, ensuring that our biospecimens are collected and processed in a way that both complies with regulatory frameworks and ethical guidelines, while also ensuring dignity, control and anonymity for the donor. For researchers and lab managers, this guarantees that AMSBIO samples are ready to support high-quality, compliant research across fields such as cancer research, regenerative medicine, and diagnostic development.
This article details the core elements of AMSBIO’s ethical approach, from donor consent to compliance with global regulations, helping you make informed, compliant choices.