B2M Knockout iPS Cell Line

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The B2M Knockout iPS Cell Line is an iPS cell line that has been edited using CRISPR/Cas9 technology to delete B2M (Beta-2-Microglobulin) gene expression. The B2M-targeting CRISPR/Cas9 editing agents were delivered via transduction with B2M (Human) CRISPR/Cas9 Lentivirus (Non-Integrating) (AMSBIO Bioscience #78341).
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SKU AMS.82161
Size 1 vial
Application Assess the role of B2M knockout in iPS cell biology and differentiation.,Assess the impact of B2M knockout in cell therapy research and development.,
Storage Cells are shipped in dry ice and should immediately be thawed or stored in liquid nitrogen upon receipt. Do not use a -80°C freezer for long term storage. Contact technical support at AMSBIO if the cells are not frozen in dry ice upon arrival.
Shipping Temp -80°C (dry ice)
Supplier Name BPS Bioscience Inc
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